Today marks day one of our 5th year in business. Firstly, I am proud of that, especially considering the challenges ourselves and so many other businesses have faced over the last 18 months or so. That said, I want to do so much more. We want to do so much more.
I make no apologies that I have been less vocal during the pandemic. Like so many, it has been a time of reflection and putting our loved
ones first, however, I also have huge respect for everyone who has kept up the positive messages and support remotely and on socials over this time. Kudos.
Working from home
That doesn't mean we haven't supported other businesses and many people - we absolutely have. After a period of hibernation during 'lockdown 1' we have worked with many of our existing and new clients over the last 9 months or so to support them and their teams to better manage their own wellbeing and that of others during these unusual and uncertain times. Working from home, isolating, home schooling - things many of us had to adapt to very quickly, all whilst watching from afar some of our loved ones becoming very ill, or worse, at the hands of this horrible virus. I hope the work we have done during this time, including mental health first aid training, talks on stress management and leadership coaching has helped individuals and organisations to find some motivation and new ideas to better navigate the day to day challenges faced.
My own mental health
Even when we know the right things to do, sometimes life can be overwhelming - I know that a few months back I had a bit of a wobble and my own mental health took a bit of a nose dive for a few weeks. Frustrated that it seemed to sneak up on me and catch me off guard (my triggers were there, I just didn't see them straight away), after a couple of days of beating myself up for not seeing the warning signs, I then started to be kinder to myself. The last year or so has been intense and for the first time it had taken its toll on me. Nothing to be ashamed of - we all have mental health. We are human beings, not robots.
As we cautiously return to some sort of normality, I too feel re-energised and fighting fit to get back out there. I want to use the skills that myself and our team at NewbyCore have to support organisations, managers, business owners, colleagues, individuals, HR professionals, friends, family and business associates. Basically anyone we can help.
Our passion and compassion are our biggest strengths, and I feel fortunate to have the experiences and capabilities required to make a positive difference.
Yes, I am proud of the work we have done these last 4 years, but I want to support more and more organisations from this day forward. Whether it is Mental Health First Aid training, mental health at work audits, leadership coaching or contributing to wellbeing events or action plans - the aim is the same - to create working environments which are amazing places to work, where colleague wellbeing and experience are of paramount importance, which in turn helps organisations to thrive again commercially as we all embark on a fresh start.
It is good to be back...our work has only just begun...
Take care for now,